Our Story
In the fall of 2017, a group of us were together celebrating friendship in Napa California. Stunned and saddened by the political tension and the rise in racial discrimination in our country, we decided to make a blended wine that has a unique, memorable flavor to honor and highlight minorities who strengthen the fabric of our country. Minority Vines, "Diversity”, highlights the beauty in blends; both in wine and culture.
Our partners, parents and grandparents were immigrants who not only contributed to our society but raised children to do the same. They have served in the military, became doctors, nurses, railroad builders, police officers, teachers, and park rangers to name a few.
We decided to make a beautiful wine that helps raise money to fund outstanding minority children to help them pay for a college education. Through wine sales and fundraising events. See minority profiles under our Fabric tab and our fundraising efforts under the Philanthropy tab.