As a young woman with a high school diploma and responsibility for three young children, Erika became a single parent. Motivated to provide her children with a bright future and clear that completing her education was essential, Erika worked two jobs while attending San Diego State University where she earned her degree in Psychology. She now serves the community as a supervisor for the San Diego County Health and Human Services Agency. In addition to serving her community, Erika has provided her children with the love, support, and inspiration needed to become productive adults who are also motivated to serve others.
Following in Erika’s footsteps, her daughter Jessica Palafox
is a Court Appointed Special Advocate (CASA) with Voices for Children for the County of San Diego, California. Voices for Children helps transform the lives of abused, abandoned, or neglected children by providing them with trained CASAs. Jessica received a bachelor’s degree in psychology as well.
As a CASA, Jessica is appointed and authorized by a Juvenile Court judge to serve as the Juvenile Court’s eyes and ears for children placed in foster care. She advocates on the children’s behalf and offers much-needed expertise and emotional support during what is often a confusing and scary time for these vulnerable children.
When seeking her professional path, Jessica was motivated to follow in the footsteps of her parents who have both committed their lives to the service of others. Her parents are role models of selfless service and provide a constant source of inspiration. Jessica is particularly passionate about her role as an advocate for children because she realizes “they are our future” and deserving of the support she is dedicated to providing for them.